How do I use a Fuelly forum signature/badge?A Fuelly forum signature (or badge) is an image that you can use to sign your posts at vehicle discussion forums. The instructions for adding a forum signature will be different for different forums, but here's a general outline: - Go to the forum you participate in and see if they have a "signature" feature that allows images.
- If so, find out if the forum uses "BBCode" or "HTML" to include images. (我是使用BBcode,直接貼上)
- Once you know, go to Fuelly and click on your vehicle.
- On the vehicle detail page, click the yellow badge icon under Recent Fuel-Ups. It looks like this:
- On the "Fuelly Signature" page, choose the image you want.
- Copy either the HTML or BBCode for your image.
- Go to your forum and paste the code into the form for updating your signature.
The main thing to keep in mind is that you need to copy a little bit of code from Fuelly and paste it into the right form at your forum.